UntitledCIMA 2016 logo WINCHARTS WIN Global Chart Report 2017  New Study Provides First Ever Global Overview of Chart Reporting    London, March 20th 2017 –- Worldwide Independent Network (WIN), the organisation that represents the interests of the global independent music community, has unveiled a comprehensive new study, which provides the first ever global overview of chart reporting. Authored by Henriette Heimdal this new report, which is entitled WIN Global Chart Report 2017, uses data provided by WINTEL and the IFPI’s RIN, (including value of market, population of a country, internet penetration and indie/major market share split), alongside information provided by independent music trade associations from 28 different countries around the world including markets such as China, Brazil, South Africa and the US. The report also provides a detailed breakdown of which charts are available in each country, information on specific rules such as how stream to download ratios are calculated, details about chart entry criteria and what the various national certification award thresholds are. WIN Global Chart Report 2017 also provides valuable insight into how different territories manage the reporting of chart information and how success is measured, and will serve as useful market intelligence for companies looking for points of entry into new territories. Designed to be an evolving document, this report will be updated regularly as markets mature and change their chart reporting methodology. Some of the key findings contained in the report include:
  • The UK appears to have the model that most developed markets base their current streaming conversion formula on.
  • Sweden was the first country in the world to include streaming into their chart calculation. 128.1m of their total 182m (or 70%) recorded music revenue derive from subscription streams.
  • There is little or no appetite in China for official charts, however individual services do publish their own. In the calculations/methodology, social media platforms like WeChat and Weibo play a huge part. They are monitored for shares, likes and comments. This data is used as part of the chart calculations.
  • Most countries operate with a 100/150 track streams = 1 track download basis. This is often multiplied by 10 to find the stream to album download/physical purchase ratio.
  • A significant proportion of markets have more complicated calculations for albums (for example, the top two tracks from an album may be averaged out to represent the average number of streams, so to avoid ‘one hit wonders’ topping the charts).
  • RIM in Malaysia is proposing changing its stream to album download ratio to 4,500 track streams = 1 album download.
  • Ringback tones are still a very relevant business model in especially Asian countries including Malaysia, China and Japan
  • Many countries have yet to incorporate streaming into their charts, such as Italy, Brazil and Poland.
Alison Wenham, CEO of WIN said, “WIN Global Chart Report 2017 provides the first ever global overview of chart reporting, making available important market intelligence and insight. As the music industry evolves towards becoming a truly global marketplace it is vital that we have an in-depth understanding of how different territories collate sales information and measure success. This new study will also serve as a valuable tool in our ongoing mission to protect the interests of the global independent music community and to ensure fair access to markets and level playing fields for independent music around the world.” “As music is a global commodity, having such a comprehensive report of how charting works for the independent community in territories around the world is so very important,“, says Stuart Johnston, President of the Canadian Independent Music Association. “CIMA is proud of its contribution to this report, and we thank and congratulate WIN for leading the charge on this effort.”   About CIMA The Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA) is the national trade association representing the English-language, Canadian-owned sector of the independent music industry. CIMA works proactively to assist the independent sector to expand business opportunities and partnerships in the international marketplace by providing strategic support for Canadian companies at trade missions, key international trade shows, and conferences around the world.   About WIN The Worldwide Independent Music Industry Network (WIN) is a global forum for the professional independent music industry. It was launched in 2006 in response to business, creative and market access issues faced by the independent sector everywhere. For independent music companies and their national trade associations worldwide, WIN is a collective voice. It also acts as an advocate, instigator and facilitator for its membership.   Click the Download link below to view and download a PDF of the letter.
DOWNLOAD FILE:  WINCHARTS - WIN Global Chart Report 2017