/ Advocacy / CIMA's Advocacy & Policy Work


CIMA Advocacy 01
Independent Music Industry 02
Industry issues 03
Publications, submissions, reports 04

CIMA's Adovcacy & Policy Work

Music’s social, cultural and economic value is enormous. It is a vital, renewable resource that touches everyone in some capacity – Every. Single. Day. – whether they realize it or not. CIMA is loud and clear about the economic impact of music and music companies. We make sure that policymakers, media, and the public understand our cultural and economic contributions. For close to 50 years, CIMA has been at the forefront of the creation of world-renowned programs that invest in Canadian-owned music companies and artists. It's like this: public sector investment in our sector generates private sector investment, hefty tax returns to governments, and spin off effects for local economies. It’s good business and good for business.

Collective of Canadian music industry calls on government to keep their promise!

CIMA has partnered with music associations and organizations from across the country, both in the English and French markets, to write an open letter to The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P. and The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, P.C., M.P. This collective represents thousands of Canadian artists, songwriters, record labels, artist managers, concert promoters, live music venues, music publishers and music industry entrepreneurs. This letter calls on the Liberal government to honour its campaign promise of funding to the Canada Music Fund. For several months, these organizations have been calling on the music community to let their voice be heard through e-mails to key government officials. Do you want to help? There’s still time! Click here to find out how you can spread the word.
Sign the Petition